Category Archives: Magazine

Creative Talents – Artist Tips: “AKNS”?

“Attract / Know / Nurture / Sale” principle for artists: In the vibrant world of [...]

The Artists CV

For artists, particularly those at the beginning of their career, maintaining an up-to-date CV and [...]

Artist Interview – Holy Art (November 2023)

James Hurley is an artist who embodies boldness and authenticity. His art reflects his direct [...]

My Journey and how the magazine got to where they are today

The highs and lows of trying to help others. In March 2018 I started a [...]

Read the Special Edition Magazine

Welcome to issue 006 of the “Creative Talents” magazine. We are proud to feature the [...]

Social Photojournalists

Capturing the human experience through the lens of a camera: A journey into social photojournalism [...]

Stacey Mayer

Stacey Mayer has always directed her creative energy into her art. From early childhood drawings [...]

Mel Hearts Interview

Before we dive into what you do and why tell me a little about yourself [...]

Cheetah Cub Coalition

This is the beginning of a lovely story, with a serious message! I am sure [...]


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