New Landscape Prints, Patterdale, Ullswater (July 2018)

Waterfall Wood Walk, Patterdale Ullswater -

New landscape prints of Waterfall Wood Walk Patterdale are being added to the shop. Each of them will be available in a limited number and 50% of the profit will be donated to the Patterdale Estate Trust


Waterfall Wood Walk

Hidden in the trees off the edge of the A592 near the Mountain Rescue center is a magical walk that takes you away from the hustle and bustle of modern life and gives you a taste of the magic of nature.


Enchanted Pool

With the sun at the right point and the light glistening off the water its simply magical here.

Relax and look around you

This is a very short walk, but it is packed full of amazing crystal clear pools, water cascades and an amazing leaf canopy.

This private paradise offers a short walk up small section of managed woodland beside the lower section of Griesdale Beck.

Residents of the Patterdale Hall Estate (self catering holiday home) have free access to this walk, which is managed and kept a natural as possible by the two man estate team and a group of volunteers

Waterfall Wood Walk, Patterdale Ullswater -


Breathe in the tranquillity

Stop and take a moment to look around you, the soft rusty browns and rich greens. Listen to the water in the Beck caressing the rocks as it makes it way down to Ullswater. Fill your lungs and let nature wash away your tension and clear your mind.

Waterfall Wood Walk, Patterdale Ullswater -

Limited Edition framed prints

Most people love nature, the colours, the sounds and the feelings that a magical places like the Waterfall Wood Walk create inside us. To keep areas of natural beauty looking like this takes the work of skilled and dedicated people. Some paid but many volunteers.

Help the Patterdale Estate maintain this amazing stretch of the Griesdale Beck and decorate your home with one of my atmospheric landscape prints. Every sale results in a donation to the estate trust to help them maintain the land around the beck. This in turn creates a refugee for wildlife and a haven for the residents of the estate to enjoy all year round.

Help conserve the Waterfall Wood Walk
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