Mycreativeimages Magazine – January 2022

mycreativeimages magazine - January 2022

Well December came, Christmas and new year flew by and we are already part way in to January. So what does the year ahead have in store for us I wonder. Will you just sit back and wait to see what happens or have you got your route through 2022 mapped out already?

Making artwork, no matter the medium, is incredibly satisfying, sharing it with others and seeing how they react is an amazing feeling. Seeing the artwork hung on a wall or used in a metaverse home is the icing on the cake.

REMEMBER, art is not a frivolous luxury, its soul warming necessity. Look around you, the workplace, the pub, the cafe, the waiting room at the dentist, are they all blank walls? NO they aren’t they are decorated with artwork bought from a shop to brighten up the room or corridor……Artwork is important and brightens up your life even cavemen had artwork on their walls. SO for all the artists out there YOUR WORK IS IMPORTANT!

Keep creating keep inspiring and keep in mind that you have a talent and all you need to do is make one person smile when they look at your work.

If you are reading this don’t just flip through the images, take some time to visit the artists websites or social media pages and TELL THEM how much you LOVE their work. Put a SMILE on a strangers face. It doesn’t take much and it means the world. Help an artist manifest their perfect life and let them know there are people out there that love their work as much as they do.

Finally I draw your attention to the article on the next page and would ask you to support me with my quest to raise funds and plant trees in the Lake District.

James Hurley
Photo Artist / Magazine Editor

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