Mycreativeimages Magazine – March 2022


The March Edition is herea

Personal Note:

March sees many troubling things happening in many places around the world. My mind cant contemplate the reasons behind the choices individuals make and the pain they inflict.

I don’t pray, but I do hope that some adult reasoning and joined up thinking overtakes the thoughts of anger and greed that seem to be predominately behind many of the things people do that cause pain and hardship all around us.


This time last year I started on a mini-project that I titled “Cherry Natural Beauty” it was a series of images created to celebrate the emergence of nature after a long harsh winter and the link between the early tree blossom and our desire to use artificial enhancements such as makeup, clothes and jewellery to further attract others like flowers attract bees. Later in the year, I started to find myself slipping away from the beauty of nature and falling back into self-doubt and self-destructive emotions. As a result, my art took a different turn and I tried to clear these damaging thoughts from my mind by turning them into art, some of which you would have seen in last month’s magazine and I have continued to follow that theme as the new year rolls on.

I think it is essential that everyone has a way of cleansing the mind of thoughts and emotions that can cause damage to them or that can manifest n the real world and harm others. For me, it’s art, walking in woodland, moving water and photography. It took me many years to find my calming space. Finding what worked for me changed me and the way I see the world and the people around me.

For me, art is far more than a pretty picture. Far more than something to hang on the wall. Far more than a digital asset attached to an NFT in the Metaverse.

What is art for you?


James Hurley
Photo Artist / Magazine Editor

Never miss another Magazine

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